Sunday, July 5, 2009

A love Story of Childs in Wallpapers

I was This!

I saw A Girl

she was cute and characterful fragnance... like this..

but actually with out make-up she was like this

Even then i liked her more... i loved simplicity and character

I liked her so much. But couldn't tell as i did know how to and when to tell?
I expressed silently

I gave a shock like this when she accepted my proposal

I used to talk whole night and do this at office...

When ever I was thinking about her, My friends Looked at me Like this

i didn't know what to do ...

Then I gave a pose like this to them

But she turned cold and gave the roses to me like this..

So Started smoking...

Then I cried like this

Finally It Ended like this....... ...............

Tell me your remarks and your feelings

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